Hey guys, this is Pranitha, and today I’ll be continuing my coding journey (Part-2)
The Big Idea!
So, after I finished my creating my first app, I felt that I’ve learned enough and I wanted to do something else, like teaching!.
This idea was given by my sister as she also thought that I’d learned enough and I could teach now!. I had known a few friends very well and I didn’t feel too shyish to ask them about it. It’s always a very doubtful feeling for me when it comes to asking someone about something you expect them to say yes! ;>.
I always keep thinking about what will happen if they deny the request, worst response. I finally had to do it and it turned out to be good!. Out of three, I asked, two of them said they’ll tell me about it and one more said she’ll definitely come!.
While I waited for the other two to respond, my friend who’d agreed to join had found another interested girl and the first thing she asked about was the price and from that, it was done!; She said she was interested just like the other girl.
From the two of them, I asked, one turned up and said yes!!; Hurray, three now!. Little did I know that she would be the last to come as the other who said she’ll tell me about it later told me to not even talk about this again!?; Very surprising.
I was quite satisfied with the number of people who turned up for this and thought of starting instead of asking more and more people at once; I started and it was pretty good!.
My dream was to become a teacher when I grow up until..; After a few classes, all three of them didn’t turn up ;(. I was very upset and despite the messages, I was sending as remainders very of no use :(.
We started this mini-workshop in March and I continued and we eventually stopped because of our final exams ;(.
In the meantime, I introduced them to documentation and how important it is to keep track of your work!. I created a Google Jamboard named Coding Girls ;p as there were only girls that time.
Another girl and I started to document our work quite often while the others, had some difficulty in doing it ;(. I felt that I had learned plenty of things by starting the workshop; I learned the challenges of being a teacher and I also learned to very patient as I used to get quite disappointed very early when things start to go downhill.
We finally stopped as we had to do some major studying for our final exams since it was our only important exam.
The Next Step..
After we finished our exam, I was not so sure about everyone turning back up again to continue the mini-workshop; but I waited and planned to ask a bigger group at once!
That’s it of Part-2 folks. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading!.